
Hello lovely followers of my blog. Firstly, I want you all to know I really and truly appreciate you. Really, really, REALLY.

So, I’m currently working on a book that has been in my head for 4 years, percolating, brewing, stewing. The characters have been living in my brain for 4 years, getting claustrophobic, banging on the walls of my being, “LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT”. You know guys, I really think this story can work. I want to make it work. And I really think that now is the time to write it. I have been in the WRONG head-space to write for the last few years. I know many published authors will say there is never a bad time to write, they’re right in a way. I have written through the pain of the last 2 years. But the bed of my moods and cries and internal turmoil would NOT have been a comfortable one to develop my characters on. I have started a part time job, which gives me ample time to write this book, and I’ve been putting aside time each day to do so. I have the most wonderful husband who listens to me talk endlessly about character and plot and puts in his wonderful, inspiring, creative ideas.

I think more than anything, I’m telling you guys this, because I trust you. I feel as if you know me, my weakness and strengths. In some ways I just want to tell you my dreams so that I can show you them when they are realised. I have felt your support and love, even it’s just me and my thoughts tick ticking away on these blank pages.

I might add tasters here from the book for you to read, on occasion, if I am not too shy.

So, that is my plan. Thank you for being listeners, readers and friends. I will not neglect my writing here, because it is all of you who keep me going.



8 responses to “Book

  1. hey zoe
    you are such an inspiration – your ” realness” and ability to verbalise emotions with such reality is amazing. love reading your thoughts and i know that it is in you to bring alive characters in a story. what a great team you and sean make! can’t wait to see the book!

    words fail me
    my heart senses and feels your reality
    life blossoms out of you
    and infects those around you
    ….in quietness and strength…
    is revealed the heart of the Father
    be blessed always

    • Terry thank you so much. See, it is people like you who keep me going. You are so encouraging, I have actual tears in my eyes. You are such a blessing to me. Hope your day is going so well. xx

  2. Hi, Zozo.

    I recommend you have a look at the authoring and publishing resources available at He was the CEO of Thomas Nelson publishers and remains chairman of their board. His Blog is the number 1 leadership and publishing blog in the world, and many of his resources are free. His passion is getting people published. He is a committed Christian and writes very relevant, useful stuff.



  3. How exciting! Im looking forward to the finished product. I’d like a signed copy please!! Also glad to hear you are in a better head-space.x

  4. Zozozozozozozozozozo,
    There’s a blaze of light and it’s shining through.
    Rays and rays brighter and brighter.
    Can’t wait for them to hit me so I can soak in them and let them saturate me.
    I feel a proud Cheshire cat grin coming on.

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